Friday, May 9, 2014

Martial Arts After School Program

Bruce McCorry’s After School Program – The Top Choice for Kids 
written by: Master McCorry

With school in session, it is a matter of worry for the working
parents that they should find a way to keep their kids engaged and safe in the after school hours, until their work gets over. Are you one of those parents who have already started worrying for your kids? Bruce McCorry’s After School Program in Martial Arts is for YOU and YOUR child! Bruce McCorry’s AMP - Why is it the Top Choice? The Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts Academy is a leading institution in Massachusetts, dedicated to the growth and proliferation of martial arts in the United States. The academy offers many children-friendly martial arts courses. In every way, the after school martial arts program – AMP – at Bruce McCorry’s Academy is a preferable option to a common daycare. The reasons are many: 1. Safety: Children who are not supervised in the after school hours may fall to many dangers and take to unsocial activities. Bruce McCorry’s puts forward a safe substitute where your child will be protected from external dangers. Bruce McCorry’s AMP gives priority to safety. To ensure the safety of kids, AMP even offers transport facility at a low rate from your kids’ school to the academy.
2. Opportunity to Learn Martial Arts: Most after school programs merely engage the kids in activities and games. They do not bother to impart anything valuable to the kids. At Bruce McCorry’s, children will get a chance to learn a martial art of their wish along with all other fun activities. The AMP is unique because it offers one of the best martial art courses available in the area. The syllabus and the instruction methods are professional, done under the supervision of veteran masters. 3. Character Development and Health: Through organized martial arts coaching at Bruce McCorry’s, children imbibe many values that their classmates lack. Their health improves and they don’t succumb to common illnesses easily. Also, their character undergoes a transformation as they pick up values like discipline, obedience, confidence, rational thinking and common sense.

4. Defense: What children learn at Bruce McCorry’s AMP is something of
lasting significance. Their knowledge of martial arts will aid them throughout their life as a trustworthy self-defense technique. No common after school program can equip children with such a useful skill. 5. Improved Social Skills: Bruce McCorry’s offers children a space where they can interact with kids of their own age. AMP can teach kids social skills and help them to overcome shyness, interact boldly, make and sustain friendships and so on. It will train your child to take on the world. It will also help kids to deal effectively with classroom problems like bullying, stress and peer pressure.

As parents, the choice is yours – you should decide whether your kid
should opt for a mere babysitting program or an organized after school course like the AMP. AMP is a course which is has national recognization in the United States. Having participated in a professional AMP offered by a coveted institution like Bruce McCorry’s Academy will be an advantage to kids wherever they go. This year’s course for the new batch is ready to kick off from September. Hailed by educationists and martial arts experts alike, participating in a program like the Bruce McCorry's will be an asset to your child in his/her future life.
Secure your position today. Call today. (978) 535-7878

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