Friday, July 18, 2014

High Quality Martial Arts

High Quality Martial Arts and Services at Bruce McCorry’s Academy
written by: Master McCorry and Master LaRosa

Martial arts is a field that combines the strength of tradition and the vigor of the present day. It has remained popular throughout centuries, attracting more learners with passing time. Martial arts is such a widespread discipline that the choices are many when we look for a place to learn. Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts Center at Peabody (Massachusetts) is one of those organizations that give prime focus to the quality of their services.
Quality Martial Arts at Bruce McCorry’s: An Overview Since 1978, Bruce McCorry’s Academy has remained a familiar name in Massachusetts. A brainchild of Master Bruce McCorry, the academy was established with a vision to make the people aware of the limitless potential of martial arts as a discipline. Since then, quality has been the motto of the academy.
The academy offers courses in all major martial arts such as Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Kickboxing, MMA and XMA. From the beginning, inclusiveness was a mantra for the academy. The major programs in Bruce McCorry’s Center are open to anyone regardless age whereas the common practice is to introduce some or other age limits. People from all age groups - children, youngsters, adults and seniors - enroll at the academy. Since the aptitude and physical capability is different for different age groups, the teachers usually adapt each class to suit the individual needs of the learners. The academy has taken a number of steps to realize its vision of high quality martial arts. Customized programs are only one among these. Keeping the busy school schedule in mind, Bruce McCorry’s offers two special programs for children – the Afterschool Martial Arts and the Summer Program. Since preschoolers need a different approach, another course - the Little Ninjas – is offered for their benefit. Learners with special needs are also offered a unique program which makes it possible to give individual attention and personalized coaching to them.
Each course functions upon a carefully structured syllabus. Some courses like the Afterschool program have a syllabus with national recognition. In the case of some courses, the academy follows a syllabus which is designed by qualified martial art experts and teachers. The highlights of the course include a systematic introduction, reference to theoretical and philosophical aspects of martial arts, and time-bound practical sessions. Masters also provide guidance on the right way to practice at home, the best accessories to choose and so on. The practical sessions are facilitated by teachers with experience. Those who handle the children’s courses are trained specifically in safety measures.

Quality with Safety
Quality is always combined with safety in Bruce McCorry’s. For the safety of children, the academy offers transport for students of the Afterschool Program at an affordable amount. Safety is a priority even inside the classroom. Any fighting method that involves possible danger is specifically excluded from the syllabus for children. Thus, kids at Bruce McCorry’s do not have to face difficult sessions such as ring fighting or cage fighting.
Bruce McCorry’s Center has a free introductory course for those who want to experience Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts at first hand and decide only later. If you are looking for quality martial arts, you can give Bruce McCorry’s a try. - 978-535-7878

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