Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bruce McCorry's: A Legacy of Forty Years

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy: 
Walking with Time and Walking Ahead of Time

There was a time when martial arts meant to people the wisdom and wealth that the scholars and sages sacredly kept in their parchments. From that pedestal, today martial arts have become the fad that every institution tries to claim. Among the numerous martial art schools that claim to teach martial arts to their learners, very few have done justice to the past, present and future of martial arts and its genuine spirit. Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy is one among those rare names.

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy: A Legacy of Forty Years
Bruce McCorry's Academy, which is gearing up to celebrate its fortieth anniversary in two years' time, is one of the oldest and the grandest martial arts school in Massachusetts. Master Bruce McCorry's lifelong ardor for martial arts made him visualize a school to impart his passion to others much before martial arts education emerged as a commercial venture in Massachusetts. That's how the academy, which is dedicated itself to the promotion and development of martial arts, was born in 1978.

Walking with the Times: Four Decades of Achievements
In these four decades, the academy has earned many laurels. This owes to the effort of a bunch of energetic minds who always kept updated about the latest happenings in the world of martial arts.

* What was initially a venture of a few like-minded enthusiasts soon built up a strong core faculty comprising of instructors with years of experience

* In a few years, we were able to develop our academy to an easily accessible and popular martial art hub of the city

* With the increase in the number and popularity of martial arts, the academy selectively chose the most effective and useful martial arts and increased the number of courses offered. Today, the academy offers lessons in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, MMA, and XMA for all ages.

* When the amazing benefits of martial arts for children became the buzz in the martial art circles, the academy standardized the children's programs under two schemes which children can easily manage with their school schedules. Today the Afterschool Martial Arts Program and the Summer Program are the most sought-after courses at the academy.

* Since the learner's comfort is our primary aim, we have introduced a range of learner-friendly offers. Transportation facility for children, free trial for prospective students, free introduction to lessons, instant and hassle-free admission process are our specialties.

Walking Ahead of the Times: Our Programs for a Better Future
We have also introduced some future-oriented schemes and courses, which are in tune with the cutting-edge research that is taking place in martial arts and its health benefits:

* When it was discovered that martial arts can improve the quality of life for people with special needs, the academy has initiated a special needs program. It has already made a mark in the lives of many adults and children with special needs.

* The kickboxing course at the academy is now a special wing, Kickboxing Peabody, ( considering the huge impact that kickboxing has been proved to have in the lives of cardiac patients.

* With numerous studies coming out on the importance of preschool martial arts, the Little Ninjas preschooler program at the academy has been a very special wing of the academy with more facilities and recently, gained it's own website at (

* In tune with the latest developments in cancer research, Bruce McCorry's Academy has introduced programs in energy healing and meditation, which is practiced best along with martial arts like Tai Chi, which are beneficial for cancer fighters and survivors.

* We also conduct fundraisers and competitions for contributing to relevant causes

The Best for Everyone: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts
In this journey, Bruce McCorry's has not only kept the true spirit of martial arts traditions alive, but it has also revised its courses from time to time and kept its pace with the latest studies. This means that today, the academy is able to offer a holistic set of programs that caters to everybody's needs and dreams. Preschoolers, children, teenagers, adults and seniors get customized lessons at the academy. The wide range of courses help you to achieve your dreams: a healthy life, a fit and toned body, a confident attitude or self-protection.

In realizing the dreams of hundreds of learners, we hope to make true our larger visions for the present and future of martial arts. To be a part of this great endeavor, and to take in the best of international martial arts, say yes to Bruce McCorry's Academy today – don't let this once-in-a-lifetime chance to slip out of your reach!  

Visit today at or call today 
for more information. 978. 535.7878

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