Friday, April 1, 2016

Dyslexia and Martial Arts

Dyslexia and Martial Arts 
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

Two years before, the world looked on with wonder at a young martial art genius who had won the world martial arts championship five times. Scott Sonnon became the overnight hero not just because of his spectacular achievements in martial arts, which is definitely laudable, but also because he chose to tell the world his relentless battle with dyslexia and its social reception and his martial arts journey.

Dyslexic Children: Social Perceptions and the Reality
Sonnon’s amazing success story speaks a lot about the courage and resolution of a determined youngster. However, it also gives us new insight into how the oft-repeated status of martial arts as a companion for children with special needs is not a myth after all.

The past decade has shown a sharp rise in the reported instances of children being diagnosed in the autistic spectrum. Dyslexia is one of the most frequently diagnosed situations. While dyslexia is more a situation that demands a different mode of learning experience for the child, dyslexic children can definitely progress in a usual classroom if the instructor gives him/her with the proper learning atmosphere and some care. However, the problems faced by them in the social sphere such as bullying, neglect and impatience can have severe impact of their confidence level and progress. On the other hand, the example of Sonnon and the studies on dyslexia show that the neurological wiring of these kids can have wonderful possibilities of genius. 

This whole question of the autistic spectrum has also inspired a lot of research, especially with regard to martial arts. A milestone would be the 2010 statement by Wisconsin University that martial arts can reverse the negative societal impact on children with special needs, including dyslexia.

Unleashing the Genius: The Martial Arts Way for Dyslexic Children
Martial arts has a lot to offer for children with special needs, especially dyslexic kids. Particularly in the case of an early diagnosis of dyslexia, martial arts can bring about a huge difference.

Martial art training in the formative years directly impacts the cognitive development of children. It works differently for different children. However, in general, martial arts like Karate help children with special needs to overcome the challenges to their cognition and learning to a large extent.

Martial arts also can help a lot with the social issues faced by the kids. It can instill courage in children and tell them that their special needs are not their inferiority. As Sonnon’s words prove again and again, it can teach them to stand up for themselves and their dyslexic friends, socialize better, and tell the world that their full potential is no way limited by their special needs.

Martial Arts for Special Needs and Dyslexia: Bruce McCorry’s Academy
Martial art offers the best to you when you are in a learning atmosphere that knows your situation best and caters to you according to that. The special needs program at Bruce McCorry’s Academy is such a unique space, where your child get instructors who are trained in the neurology of children with special needs. Instructors at the special needs program try to get to know each learner – adults or children. The martial arts learning atmosphere provided by the special needs program caters to your custom needs and becomes your companion in your larger journey in the outside world. This can be the right place for your young champion.

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